Air Line
• IATA airport code: by the International Air Transport Association (International Air Transport Association, called IATA) number of airports, usually consists of three letters. It is published in the IATA airport code directory,
it is the most common airport code, used on public occasions.
• ICAO airport code: developed by the International Civil Aviation Organization (International Civil Aviation Organizition, referred to as the ICAO), a specific ICAO see the DOC7910, with four letters to identify the airport,
less use of the public, mainly for air traffic management department of inter transmission flight dynamics.
Support integrated query and classification query, fuzzy query.
If the input "Al% group" (middle of the "%" represents 0 or more of any character) to query the "Albuquerque."
All A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
IATA Digital coding ICAO 航空公司 Air Line 国家或地区 Country
IB 75 IBE 西班牙航空 Iberia 西班牙 Spain
IZ 238 AIZ 阿齐亚以色列航空 Arkia Israeli Airlines 以色列 Israel
IY 635 IYE 也门航空 Yemenia 也门 Yemen
IW 646 MIN AOM-Minerve 法国 France
IV 753 AHS 冈比亚航空 Air Gambia 冈比亚 Gambia
IR 96 IRA 伊朗航空 Iran Air 伊朗 Iran
IN 367 MAK 马其顿航空公司 Macedonian Airlines - MAT 马其顿 Macedonia
IG 191 ISS 子午航空 Meridiana 意大利 Italy
IF GCA 大华航空 Great China Airlines 台湾,中国 Chinese Taipei
IC 58 IAC 印度航空 Indian Airlines Corporation 印度 India