Air Line
• IATA airport code: by the International Air Transport Association (International Air Transport Association, called IATA) number of airports, usually consists of three letters. It is published in the IATA airport code directory,
it is the most common airport code, used on public occasions.
• ICAO airport code: developed by the International Civil Aviation Organization (International Civil Aviation Organizition, referred to as the ICAO), a specific ICAO see the DOC7910, with four letters to identify the airport,
less use of the public, mainly for air traffic management department of inter transmission flight dynamics.
Support integrated query and classification query, fuzzy query.
If the input "Al% group" (middle of the "%" represents 0 or more of any character) to query the "Albuquerque."
All A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
IATA Digital coding ICAO 航空公司 Air Line 国家或地区 Country
XZ 83 EXY South African Express Airways 南非 South Africa
XT 824 AXL KLM Exel 荷兰 Netherlands
XM 524 XME Australian Air Express 澳大利亚 Australia
XL 462 LanEcuador 厄瓜多尔 Ecuador
XK 146 CCM CCM Airlines 法国 France
XJ 582 MES 美莎巴航空 Mesaba Airlines 美国 United States
XF 277 VLK Vladivostok Air 俄罗斯 Russia
X7 637 CHF 赤塔航空 Chita Avia 俄罗斯 Russia
X3 483 BKL Baikal 俄罗斯 Russia
X2 CXH 中国新华航空公司 Xinhua Airlines 中国 China
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