Air Freight Digit Code

• IATA airport code: by the International Air Transport Association (International Air Transport Association, called IATA) number of airports, usually consists of three letters. It is published in the IATA airport code directory,
it is the most common airport code, used on public occasions.
• ICAO airport code: developed by the International Civil Aviation Organization (International Civil Aviation Organizition, referred to as the ICAO), a specific ICAO see the DOC7910, with four letters to identify the airport,
less use of the public, mainly for air traffic management department of inter transmission flight dynamics.
Support integrated query and classification query, fuzzy query.
If the input "Al% group" (middle of the "%" represents 0 or more of any character) to query the "Albuquerque."
All A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Code words 城市(中文) City State Country Area Remark
FAK 弗奥斯岛 False Island 阿拉斯加州(AK) 美国 U.S.A 北美洲
FAJ 法哈多 Fajardo 波多黎各 Puerto Rico 加勒比海地区
FAI 费尔班克斯 Fairbanks 阿拉斯加州(AK) 美国 U.S.A 北美洲
FAH 法拉 Farah 阿富汗 Afghanistan 亚洲
FAG 法古罗尔斯米里 Fagurholsmyri 冰岛 Iceland 北欧
FAF 尤斯蒂斯堡 Fort Eustis 弗吉尼亚州(VA) 美国 U.S.A 北美洲
FAE 法罗群岛 Faroe Islands 法罗群岛 Faroe Islands 欧洲
FAC 法艾特 Faatte 法属玻利尼西亚 French Polynesia 太平洋岛屿
FAB 法恩伯勒 Farnborough 英格兰(EN) 英国 ENGLAND 欧洲
FAA 法拉纳 Faranah 几内亚 Guinea 西非
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