Air Freight Digit Code

• IATA airport code: by the International Air Transport Association (International Air Transport Association, called IATA) number of airports, usually consists of three letters. It is published in the IATA airport code directory,
it is the most common airport code, used on public occasions.
• ICAO airport code: developed by the International Civil Aviation Organization (International Civil Aviation Organizition, referred to as the ICAO), a specific ICAO see the DOC7910, with four letters to identify the airport,
less use of the public, mainly for air traffic management department of inter transmission flight dynamics.
Support integrated query and classification query, fuzzy query.
If the input "Al% group" (middle of the "%" represents 0 or more of any character) to query the "Albuquerque."
All A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Code words 城市(中文) City State Country Area Remark
IAS 雅西 Iasi 罗马尼亚 Romania 欧洲
IAR 雅罗斯拉夫 Yaroslavl 俄罗斯 Russia 欧洲
IAQ 巴雷干 Bahregan 伊朗 Iran 中东
IAN 凯厄纳 Kiana 阿拉斯加州(AK) 美国 U.S.A 北美洲
IAL 艾利布 Ialibu 巴布亚新几内亚 Papua New Guinea 大洋洲
IAM 英纳梅那斯 In Amenas 阿尔及利亚 Algeria 非洲西北部
IAH 休斯敦 Houston 得克萨斯州(TX) 美国 U.S.A 北美洲
IAG 尼加拉瀑布 Niagara Falls 纽约州(NY) 美国 U.S.A 北美洲
IAD 华盛顿 Washington 华盛顿哥伦比亚特区(DC) 美国 U.S.A 北美洲
IAB 威奇塔 Wichitat 堪萨斯州(KS) 美国 U.S.A 北美洲
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