Air Freight Digit Code

• IATA airport code: by the International Air Transport Association (International Air Transport Association, called IATA) number of airports, usually consists of three letters. It is published in the IATA airport code directory,
it is the most common airport code, used on public occasions.
• ICAO airport code: developed by the International Civil Aviation Organization (International Civil Aviation Organizition, referred to as the ICAO), a specific ICAO see the DOC7910, with four letters to identify the airport,
less use of the public, mainly for air traffic management department of inter transmission flight dynamics.
Support integrated query and classification query, fuzzy query.
If the input "Al% group" (middle of the "%" represents 0 or more of any character) to query the "Albuquerque."
All A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Code words 城市(中文) City State Country Area Remark
ZBF 巴瑟斯特 Bathurst 新不伦瑞克省(NB) 加拿大 Canada 北美洲
ZBE 札布热赫 Zabreh 捷克 Czech 欧洲中部
ZBA 伯灵顿 Burlington 安大略省(ON) 加拿大 Canada 北美洲
ZAT 昭通 Zhaotong 中国 China 亚洲
ZAZ 萨拉戈萨 Zaragoza 西班牙 Spain 欧洲
ZAR 扎里亚 Zaria 尼日利亚 Nigeria 西非
ZAQ 纽伦堡主火车站机场 Nuremberg Main Railway Station 德国 Germany 欧洲
ZAM 三宝颜 Zamboanga 菲律宾 Philippines 亚洲
ZAO 卡奥尔 Cahors 法国 France 欧洲
ZAL 瓦尔迪维亚 Valdivia 智利 Chile 南美洲西南部
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